Eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion
Eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion

  • If you use Steam, don't rely on Steam cloud for backing up your saves.
  • A new one will be generated when you start the game. This folder is NOT nuked when you uninstall the game, so if you've had a previous install, make sure to go in there and get rid of the Oblivion.ini or it will keep old settings and probably cause problems. This is where your settings and saved games are stored.
  • The other is in My Documents/My Games/Oblivion.
  • This is where the game itself is and where all your mods will have to end up once they are installed with the mod manager of your choice. and it is not in the default Programs directory).

    eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion

  • One is wherever you installed it to (and I hope you followed 1.
  • It can extract zip, rar and 7z archives and 99% of all mods are either of those. If your browser doesn't give you the option to save, check the browser settings. Even if some Mod Managers can handle 7z directly, it's a spectacularly bad idea to assign the file extension as a whole to that. If using Wrye Bash, you should always save those files instead of opening them, and then moving them into the installers directory. For some kind of files, it wants to automatically open those with an assigned program, like omods with Oblivion Mod Manager.
  • When you click to download any file, your browser should ask what to do with that file.
  • It is crucial that you can see the difference. Some mods have the same file name for their esp, esm, bsa and ini file. This might not be 100% accurate, because my Windows isn't English.
  • Usually you can turn file extensions on somewhere in Windows explorer, under options > view > uncheck "hide known file extensions".
  • You should know how to create folders, copy files, download files and what file extensions are and how to view them.
  • Sometimes when your graphics card driver gets an update, Oblivion will think it's a new one, try to find matching settings, fail to recognize your GPU and decide that "medium" is the best you deserve.

    eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion

    You don't need it to access your mods, it messes up more than that it helps.

    eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion

    Optional: Set all the graphic settings to what you want now, then never touch the OblivionLoader.exe again.

  • Run Oblivion once before changing anything, start a new game, then you can close it again.
  • On Steam, you have to have either your whole Steam install outside of Programs, or you can create a new library on another drive, in Settings > Downloads > Steam Library Folders. On disc and GOG, you can just select whatever directory you want.

    eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion

    User Access Control can be moody and sometimes some of the tools don't work properly with it.

  • Install the game outside of Window's default Programs directory.
  • Oblivion Modding Guide This guide isn't meant as an in-depth tutorial of how to use certain tools, or which mods to install, but rather some guidelines that always apply.

    Eve hgec eyecandy variants expansion